Tuesday, May 3, 2011

PSA Project

I have chosen dyslexia as my topic becasue I am dyslexic and proud to be dyslexic. When I tell people that I am dyslexic they usally say "Oh so it must be hard for you to read sometimes, right?" or "So when you read it's like reading in a mirror right?" It makes me feel like people think I can't read and sometimes even stupid. I hope by taking these pictures people realize that just becasue we learn differently we are still like everyone else. I hope if this was an ad that was going to be published that people would maybe do some resource about it and learn about it and then tell someone about it and they do the same. Soon enough most people will know about dyslexia. That's the big picture though. I hope just to start that in the classroom for now. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Andy Warhol Info

Andy Warhol

·         Real name is Andrew Warhola (8/6/28-2/22/87) (Became Warhol after a misprint)
o   Born in Pittsburgh, PA, Parents from Czechoslovakia (does not exist anymore)
o   Father worked in a coal mine
·         In High School, kicked out of art club because he was “too good”
·         Graduated from the Carnegie Institute of Technology (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
·         Graduated with degree for pictorial design & wanted to become a commercial illustrator
·         Designed advertisements for women’s shoes
·         Used Polaroid camera
·         Fear of hospitals and doctors, hypochondriac
·         Favorite print making technique was silk screening
·         Friends & family described him as a workaholic
·         His sexuality was speculated upon and how this influenced his relationship to art is “a major subject of scholarship on the artist”
·         First solo expedition in 1952
·         Coined the term “15 minutes of fame”
·         1960s: iconic American products (pop art)
·         Created The Factory, his NYC studio from 1962-1968
·         Celebrity portraits developed into one of the most important aspects of his career
·         Made films (first one called Sleep – 6 hours of a man sleeping) (1963)
·         1965 said he was retiring from painting
o   1972 returned to painting
·         Designed cover for the Rolling Stones’ album Sticky Fingers (cover made out of real jean material)
·         Produced Velvet Underground’s first album
·         Started a magazine called Interview, worked for Glamour Magazine, Vogue
·         Shot by Valerie Solanas 3 times for being abusive and “too controlling” (6/3/68)
o   Solanas authored the S.C.U.M. Manifesto, a separatist feminist document
o   "Before I was shot, I always thought that I was more half-there than all-there – I always suspected that I was watching TV instead of living life. People sometimes say that the way things happen in movies is unreal, but actually it's the way things happen in life that's unreal. The movies make emotions look so strong and real, whereas when things really do happen to you, it's like watching television – you don't feel anything. Right when I was being shot and ever since, I knew that I was watching television. The channels switch, but it's all television."
·         Marilyn Monroe = favorite model (not painted until after death)
·         Wore silver wigs until he dyed his hair silver
·         Practicing Ruthenian Rite Catholic who described himself as a religious person
·         Died of a heart attack brought on by a gall bladder surgery and water intoxication
·         $100,000,000 for one of his paintings (highest amount paid) (“Eight Elvises”)
·         Referred to as the “Prince of Pop”

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams was born on February 20 1902. He was born to Charles Hitchcock Adams and Olive Bray Adams. He was born in San Francisco, California. He lived next to the sand dunes of the Golden Gate Bridge. His grandfather was a very wealthy man. Ansel was an only child so he spent a lot of his time out in nature. A reason why he was an only child is because when he was born his mother was already forty years old. Ansel’s mother Olive was not supportive or encouraging of her son. His father Charles was quite the opposite of his mother. He encouraged and supported his son in almost everything that he did. This helped Ansel boost his self confidence.
Ansel Adams once told someone that he thought he might be hyperactive and have dyslexia. He thought this because he could never really concentrate on one thing and he never really did well in school. He attended many different schools but he never was too successful in them. Ansel’s home life was not easy because of his grades. His father and aunt would torture him at home. He received a diploma the he called the “legitimizing diploma.” This was about what an eighth grade diploma is.
In Ansel Adam’s childhood an important thing that he did that he did not know would help him in the long run was that he would take long nature walks in the dunes below the Golden Gate. He would walk down to Bakers Beach and look at the nature around him. By being an only child he was able to spend his time in nature and not have to worry about anyone but himself.
Ansel Adams was always creative but he did not start out in photography. He started out with the piano. When he was twelve he taught himself how to read and play the piano. After a while his parents signed him up for lessons. Playing the piano became his life. He only focused on playing it. He was intending on becoming a professional player. He later gave up the piano because he started photography.  
Ansel’s love for nature came from where he lived. His favorite place to take pictures was in Yosemite. He took pictures here from 1916 until he died. His first camera was a Kodak No. 1 Box Brownie. His parents gave him this camera at a young age. He was about fifteen or sixteen. When he was seventeen he joined the Sierra Club. This club was a photography club that took pictures in Yosemite. He became an environmentalist because of this club. He became friends with many of the people in the club and he even met his wife in the club. The Sierra Club was very important to his success as a photographer. His first published photos and writings appeared in the club’s 1922 bulletin.
1927 was Ansel Adams biggest year as a photographer. He took his most famous picture in this year. He took the picture of the Face of Half Dome. He also did a couple of other things. He became good friends with Albert M. Bender. Albert was a San Francisco insurance industrialist and patron of arts and artists. They became friends the day after they met. Albert started the preparation and publicity of Ansel’s first portfolio. Being friends with him changed his life.
Ansel Adams lived his life taking pictures of nature and preserving it at the same time. Ansel died in 1985 of old age. He was one of the best nature photographers in my mind and I really enjoy his pictures and seeing things that maybe will help me with taking pictures of nature in the future.  

This picture is one of Ansel Adams most famous pictures. This is of the Face of Half Dome in Yosemite.  

This is another shot that Ansel Adams took in Yosemite. This is of a lake and a bridge going over it and Half Dome in the background.

This shot was taken I believe of the bay near were Ansel grew up. It has the water, the cliffs and the waves crashing against it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ch.9 Landscape Notes

  • Landscape shots receive the most respect and awe
  • You can take abstract, grand landscape and detail shots for landscape shots
  • In photo shop people use edge burning
  • Carleton E. Watkins opened his own gallery in 1858 in San Francisco about landscape and nature
  • Ansel Adams was also inspired by Yosemite Valley
  • Our way of seeing the natural world was forever changed because of Adam's images
  • Composition is one of the most important part of composition
  • Viewpoint is the most important part of composition
  • An inch or 2 in any direction can make a huge difference
  • Value an image's light and dark areas is especially important in black and white landscape photography
  • Images with a wide range of tones can be more dramatic
  • Narrower range seem quieter and more contemplative
  • Achieve a balance between unity and variety
  • Variety refers to all the diverse art elements found in a picture
  • With total variety, nothing fits or goes together
  • Leaning toward unity makes a peaceful image
  • leaning toward variety makes an image more energetic
  • Easier to deal with direct lighting for distant subjects than it is for subjects
  • For closer views, most photographers choose overcast days that reduce the highlights and shadows
  • General rule, landscape photographers prefer to use wide-angle lenses that capture more of the scene
  • Creates a greater sense of depth in the image
  • Macro lenses are especially good for creating abstract images of bark and rocks
  • Grand landscapes always include a big expanse of the scene

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pg. 179-189 Notes

  • Taking architectural photos is like taking pictures of the people inside of the buildings
  • Taking architectural photos is somewhat like taking landscape pictures
  • You use the same style of composition
  • Architecture has always been a popular subject to take
  • One reason is architecture was full of detail and it dose not move so the exposure could be as long as needed
  • British photographer Fredrick H. Evens brought emotion to his photos
  • He said "Try for a record of emotion rather than a piece of topography"
  • Architectural photography can be a visual recording of a buildings appearance
  • Lines help your viewer's eyes look at the whole picture
  • Always look at the surroundings
  • Pattern  help make the photo stronger
  • Color film emphasize color and setting
  • Black and White emphasize as well

Saturday, January 8, 2011

In Class Movie Notes

  • Illustrated first paper based on photos
  • Their theme picture was an old camera with wings
  • In the 30's it was hard not to have a good day of news for newspapers
  • A camera was put on an ankle of someone that worked at the paper to take pictures of someone getting executed
  • In 1940 photos took over drawings
  • Advertisers realized photos bettered their product to sell it
  • Photographs modernized things
  • By the 1920's objects were seen more than they were read because of photos
  • Photography made celebrities bigger and better
  • The better the celebrities looked the more famous you became
  • Babe Ruth became one of the most famous people in sports because of photography
  • Photos changed what we know about science and space
  • Photography added to our five senses